Dr. Andreas Braune (Programme Management 2022)
From the very beginning, the festival has been very close to my heart and I thank Nora Hilgert very much for her commitment in the past year. Together with our many partners in the city, the state, the federal government and other European countries, we want to continuously develop the festival, increase its appeal beyond the city of Weimar and make the Rendez-vous a lively forum for debates on strengthening democratic and European remembrance culture. We will use this year to make the Rendez-vous better known in other parts of Thuringia in a different form.
Andreas Braune holds a doctorate in political science and is co-director of the Weimar Republic Research Centre at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. He was already the academic coordinator of the Weimar Rendez-vous with History from 2012 to 2016 and has also been active on the academic advisory board since then. In addition to the history of German democracy and the history and politics of the Weimar Republic, his fields of work also include modern political theory and the history of ideas as well as the theory and practice of civil disobedience.
Connected to the festival from the beginning, he particularly appreciates the many opportunities for critical and scholarly discourse on historical, political and social issues that it offers every year.
Franka Günther (Initiator)
Franka Günther initiated the festival in 2009, modelling it on the Rendez-vous de l’histoire in Weimar’s French twin city Blois. The Francophile cultural manager was made a Knight of the Legion of Honour in France and was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit in Germany for her unfailing commitment to Franco-German exchanges. As of 2020, she has been working on behalf of the French Embassy and as director of the Institut français in Erfurt where she is responsible for cultural relations between Thuringia and France. She will remain active in the festival as the Association’s executive director.
Julia Heinrich (Management)
Julia Heinrich studied cultural management at the FRANZ LISZT University of Music in Weimar. She is the full-time director of the young theatre at stellwerk Weimar. As a freelancer, she worked as a project manager on the Kunstfest opening in 2015 and 2016 as well as the Bauhaus PARADE (100 years of Bauhaus) taking place in April 2019. Since March 2020, she has been supporting the Bach Biennale Weimar as a freelance cultural manager in the areas of project management and marketing. She also works on a voluntary basis as managing director for the weim|art association and founded her own festival at the Camposanto in Buttstädt as part of this.
She has been familiar with the Weimar Rendez-vous with History since 2013. She has appreciated the high standards of the events for many years and is looking forward to being part of the team.
Susanne Heine (Cultural Management)
Susanne has been organizing everything connected with the festival’s events ever since 2009, when the Weimar Rendez-vous was established. Trained in media design, she initially worked for the Kunstfest Weimar from 2003–2006 and has been freelancing as a graphic designer, cultural manager and in exhibition design since 2007. As of 2019, she has joined an agency as a graphic designer and project manager.
Nele Radig (Projektmanagement Veranstaltungen)
(Apologies. This content is only available in German language.)
Nele obliegt die Planung der Logitik aller Veranstaltungen des Rendez-vous’. Sie arbeitet hauptamtlich bei der Klassik Stiftung Weimar, wo sie als Assistentin des Direktors des Goethe- und Schiller-Archivs verschiedene Veranstaltungen vorbereitet und durchführt.
Isabell Dietrich (Coordination)
Isabell studied cultural management and has been part of the Weimar Rendez-vous team since 2012. Since then, she has been responsible for the overall coordination and supervising the various speakers. More recently, she has acted as project manager and organizer of the Göttingen Summer of Culture.
Hendrik Erdmann (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
(Apologies. This content is only available in German language.)
Hendrik unterstützt das Weimarer Rendez-vous seit 2019. Nachdem er in den letzten Jahren Teil der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und des Social-Media-Teams war, unterstützt er die wissenschaftliche Leitung in diesem Jahr bei der Recherche und logistischen Fragen.
Nach seinem Bachelor in Europäischer Geschichte und Staatswissenschaften an der Universität Erfurt, hat er 2020 Thüringen schweren Herzens verlassen, um einen Master in Historischer Urbanistik an der TU Berlin zu studieren. An den Festivaltagen kehrt er immer gern in die Region zurück und trägt mit großer Freude dazu bei Menschen für Geschichte zu begeistern.
Josephin Kalok (Organisation)
Josephin Kalok studied philosophy, international relations and cultural management. Ever since she graduated from high school, she has been involved as a volunteer member and board member of Second Attempt e.V. in her hometown of Görlitz, which is the sponsor of numerous initiatives and the operator of the easternmost youth and socio-cultural centre in Germany, »RABRYKA«.
In addition, she gained practical experience in various cultural fields during her studies, including at a company for digital music booking and at the Federal Cultural Foundation. Under the auspices of the Weimar-based association Weim|art e.V., she also organised the student literature festival »juLi im juni« 2019 as project manager. This year, she will support the Weimar Rendez-vous in the area of organisation for the first time and is very excited to be a team member of the festival.
Michael Hesse (Pressesprecher)
(Apologies. This content is only available in German language.)
Michael Hesse ist Redakteur beim MDR und seit 2024 Pressesprecher des Weimarer Rendez-vous’ mit der Geschichte.
Stella Drebber (Social Media)
(Apologies. This content is only available in German language.)
Nach einem Bachelor in Geschichte und Internationalen Beziehungen an der Universität Erfurt studiert Stella zurzeit Culture & Organization in Lüneburg. Während sie sonst für andere Kulturprojekte oder in der Wissenschaftskommunikation tätig ist, unterstützt sie das Weimarer Rendez-vous seit 2019 bei der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Logistik. Ihr liegt dabei besonders der interkulturelle Austausch mit Frankreich am Herzen und sie ist motiviert, Geschichte und die Technik des 21. Jahrhunderts durch die Social-Media-Präsenz des Rendez-vous zu vereinen.
Katrin Niemann (Public Relations)
Katrin is a media designer and a Master of Arts M.A.. When not organizing public relations for our festival, Katrin is passionately creative for her own agency wildwechseldesign.