HEROES (m/f/d)
From 12 to 14 November 2021, we dedicated ourselves to the great topic of «HEROES (m/f/d)«. Once again, many international speakers came to Weimar to discuss current and historical topics and to provide impulses. The more than 40 events set an example for the dialogue between citizens and science in the context of the pandemic conditions and were accompanied by digital formats.
Heroic figures and their myths have permeated our history for millennia. Especially in times of crisis – be they caused by political oppression, climatic change or rapidly spreading diseases – the call for heroines and heroes is heard in many places. This year, the Weimar Rendez-vous with History took a closer look at the circumstances in which people in history (and in stories) became heroes, what role they played in the social fabric and what influences they had socially and politically.
Whether at the familiar panel discussions or film screenings, at our newly designed «Day of History«, a cooperation programme of the major institutions in the city of Weimar that teach history, or at the exciting storytelling cafés with contemporary witnesses from the Wende era – together with you we traced the topic intensively. For the first time this year, children and their parents were also invited – for example to our hero workshop «Ritter & Co«.